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Mars Hill Presbyterian

Time & Talent

Giving of Your Time and Talents


There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
There are different kinds of working, but the same God
works in all of them in all people.
–Romans 12:4-6



  Music is an important part of our worship experience.
Can you sing, join the choir?
Can you play an instrument, glorify God with your talent?


  Share your friendly smile by volunteering as a greeter and usher.

We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of
each month and at special services as well.
Can you help with the preparation and clean up once or twice a year?


  Our worship service is streamed live on YouTube.
Volunteer to turn the computer and equipment on and off.


The Worship Committee awaits your call
and God awaits your service.

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