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Mars Hill Presbyterian

Mission and Outreach Work
Mars Hill Presbyterian Church has always remained strong in our commitment to being generous to the needs of our community and community at large.
We collect funds for the Fifth Sundays. We have given to A.U.B. Warm Neighbors, “Feed My Starving Children”, Community Assistance, Relay for Life, the John Knox Center, and our local Veterans to mention a few of our projects.
Our church congregation gives to One Great Hour of Sharing, Joy Offering, Peace Offering, and Pentecost.
Mars Hill supports many groups on both the foreign and local fronts. Good Faith Clinic, Miracle Lake, Full Circle Women's Services, and Resident Task Force/McMinn Ministries are just a few of our local benevolences. Living Waters for the World and Presbyterian World Missions are our foreign missions.
Our congregation collects nonperishable food items for Coordinated Charities. We continue to be involved with providing meals several times a year for the Grace Mercy Meal mission.
“Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns. Don’t hoard your goods; spread them around. Be a blessing to others.”
Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 MSG
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