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Mars Hill Presbyterian

Rule of Life
We affirm the need for a daily encounter with God in the words of Scripture.
We affirm the need of daily engagement with God in prayer, alone and with others.
We affirm the need of a weekly time of worship, study, and fellowship with others.
We affirm the blessing of the Body and Blood of Christ in regular Communion.
We affirm the discipline of financial stewardship and sharing with others.
We affirm the blessing of special seasons of worship and prayer together.
We affirm the need to share our faith and seek to live our faith every day.
A Rule of Life is a set of principles that help us to live intentionally as Christians. These are practices that we believe will support and strengthen our live of faith. These are not 'rules' in the sense of something that must be obeyed in all conditions, but rather, 'rules' in the sense that 'as a general rule' these are the things that we do on a regular basis. We encourage everyone connected with the congregation to post this Rule of Life in a place where it will be seen on a regular basis.
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