Mars Hill Presbyterian
Leaving a legacy through an endowment is an expression of your faith that will provide a perpetual stream of support for your Church. Through a bequest in your will or trust you can not only create a lasting legacy you may reduce estate taxes. Establishing an endowment to Mars Hill Presbyterian Church provides future support for your Church while allowing you to continue the enjoyment and use of your assets now. Your bequest may include cash, securities, real estate, or personal property.
Endowments may be either restricted or unrestricted. Unrestricted funds are used to meet the needs of the Church as determined by the Session as part of the annual budgeting process. Restricted funds have a dedicated use such as particular mission or outreach program or specific activities of the church. It is highly recommended that the restrictions be made subject to the wisdom of the Session to alter the terms of the restrictions in the event that changing conditions make it impossible, impracticable or undesirable to fulfill them.
For further details about endowments please contact the
Church Co-Treasurers, Randy and Daisy Dunlop.